
Recovering from Sports-Related Shoulder Injuries with Chiropractic Care



If you want to get in shape, have fun, and meet some new friends, then you should consider playing sports. Some time on the field or court could do wonders. However, if you do play sports, you’re likely going to suffer a sports injury at some point. Shoulder pain is especially common but, fortunately, our chiropractor near you can provide assistance. If you live in the greater Los Angeles, CA, area get in touch with us at Dr. Michael Sheps.

Unfortunately, if you don’t treat shoulder pain, it could impact your quality of life and you might also have trouble remaining competitive on the field or court. Luckily, our chiropractor can help treat your sports injury and can help provide pain relief.

What Causes Sports-Related Shoulder Pain?

Many different things can result in shoulder pain. For one, you might simply overexert yourself, say while swinging a baseball bat or golf club. This can cause you to stretch out your muscles and might result in conditions like a rotator cuff tear.

Another cause of shoulder pain is a hard collision. If you’re playing basketball you might accidentally run into someone (or someone might run into you). Often your shoulders will bear much of the brunt. This could strain the muscles, joints, bones, and other tissues in your shoulder.

Sometimes muscles end up pulled seemingly out of nowhere. Whatever the case, you can work with a chiropractor to help secure lasting pain relief. If you have suffered a sports injury, contact a chiropractor near you.

Treating Shoulder Pain

So how can shoulder pain be treated? Ultimately, that will depend on the cause of your aches and pains. If you suffered a rotator cuff tear, exercise therapy may help reduce pain. If your spine has become strained and knocked out of alignment, chiropractic adjustments can provide relief. Soft tissue mobilization and other treatments could also help alleviate muscle tension and pain.

Get Chiropractic Care from a Chiropractor Near You for a Sports Injury, Rotator Cuff Tear, and Shoulder Pain

If you live in or near Los Angeles, CA, schedule an appointment with us at Dr. Michael Sheps. Call us at (310) 873-4422 for chiropractic care from our chiropractor near you for shoulder pain.