

Chiropractor located in Brentwood, Los Angeles, CA


Sciatica is among the most common causes of lower back pain, affecting up to 40% of Americans at any one time. Chiropractic care provides lasting sciatica relief to return you to your routine. At his Brentwood, California, practice, experienced chiropractor Michael Sheps, DC, uses manual and noninvasive therapies to treat sciatica. He knows what it takes to relieve pain and restore your mobility. Call the Los Angeles area office today to schedule sciatica treatment, or book your appointment online.

How does sciatica differ from other back pain?

Back pain can show up anywhere along the spine. But sciatica affects your lower back and/or buttocks.

It occurs when your sciatic nerve –– the large nerve that runs from your lower back, down your buttocks, and into your legs –– is compressed by a vertebra or herniated disc.

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

Sciatica symptoms include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Tingling and numbness
  • Abnormal or weak reflexes
  • Mobility problems

Sometimes, sciatica causes a loss of bowel and bladder control. This indicates severe sciatica and requires immediate care.

When should I see a chiropractor about sciatica?

Most sciatica is mild and improves with rest, ice, and activity changes. Contact Dr. Sheps if you have lower back or buttock pain lasting more than a few days. That’s especially true if the pain affects your mobility and keeps you from routine activities. Sciatica can cause permanent nerve damage, so it’s essential that you get a professional opinion.

How does a chiropractor diagnose sciatica?

Dr. Sheps reviews your medical records and asks about your symptoms, including when the pain started, what it feels like, and if it’s worse when you sit or lie down. Next, he completes several tests, including:

Straight leg raise test

Dr. Sheps has you lie down with your legs straight out. He then asks you to raise each leg, one at a time, slowly toward the ceiling. Let Dr. Sheps know when you feel pain or numbness. This helps him pinpoint the cause of your sciatica.

Walking test

Dr. Sheps asks you to walk around the exam room. He observes your gait (how you walk) and posture, looking for weak muscles and reflexes.

Diagnostic imaging

Dr. Sheps orders X-rays and an ultrasound to see if something is pressing on your sciatic nerve, like a herniated disc or a bone spur.

How does a chiropractor treat sciatica?

Dr. Sheps uses conservative, noninvasive treatments to manage sciatica pain. He could suggest:

  • Chiropractic care (hands-on manipulation to realign your spine)
  • Cryotherapy (cold therapy)
  • Laser therapy
  • Shockwave therapy
  • Stretches and strengthening exercises (physical therapy)
  • Activity changes
  • Nutritional supplements to reduce inflammation
  • Decompression therapy

Most people with sciatica benefit from two or more of these treatments. Depending on your symptoms, it could take several weeks, even months, to get lasting relief. Be patient and follow Dr. Sheps’ instructions.

Call the office of Michael Sheps, DC, today to schedule sciatica treatment, or book your appointment online.