What is TECAR therapy?

Transfer of Electrical CApacitive and Resistive energy (TECAR) is a form of high-frequency electrotherapy. TECAR is a noninvasive and pain-free therapy used to treat both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions. 

Dr. Sheps will be implementing Zimmer MedizinSystems’ THERMO TK device to administer TECAR therapy. 

How does TECAR therapy work?

The THERMO TK device emits an adjustable and deeply penetrating heat, which helps in reducing pain and inflammation and accelerating tissue repair. The treatment boosts circulation, blood vessel dilation, and elasticity in the tissues, all of which support joint mobility and help reduce stiffness. THERMO TK can also reduce muscle tone, which supports pain relief. 

What can I expect during treatment?

TECAR therapy is a pain-free treatment; many patients report a sensation that is reminiscent of a soothing massage. The number of treatments recommended will depend on the nature and severity of your condition.

*Individual results of treatment may vary